Mühlebachstrasse 1 9230 Flawil
Tel: 0848 888 888Fax: 0844 888 888
Closed until further notice
Open: open 24/7
Sa, 14.09.24
00.00 - 23.59
Su, 15.09.24
Mo, 16.09.24
Tu, 17.09.24
We, 18.09.24
Th, 19.09.24
Fr, 20.09.24
This branch is temporarily closed and cannot accept any consignments.
*Send parcels up to max. 100 x 60 x 60 cm and 30 kg (standard parcel)
National payments only
Your user ID can be found in your Customer Login
Salutation First and last namePickPost Your user IDMühlebachstrasse 19230 Flawil