PostBus point of sale 6900 Lugano

Via Serafino Balestra 4
6900 Lugano

Today’s opening hours

Regular counter

Closed: Opens on 09.09.2024 at 12.30

DateRegular counter

Sa, 07.09.24


Su, 08.09.24


Mo, 09.09.24

12.30 - 17.30

Tu, 10.09.24

12.30 - 17.30

We, 11.09.24

12.30 - 17.30

Th, 12.09.24

12.30 - 17.30

Fr, 13.09.24

12.30 - 17.30


Travelcards and tickets

  • SwissPass (entire GA Travelcard range, Half-Fare Travelcards)
  • Tickets for the whole of Switzerland
  • Iindividual tickets, multiple-trip tickets, 1-day travelpasses, Point-to-Point Travelcards etc.
  • RailAway offer
  • Arcobaleno fare network tickets (Ticino and Moesano)
  • Transfrontaliera range
  • PostBus combined offers

Timetable and reservations

  • Timetable information
  • Reservations for groups of 10 people or more
  • Reservations on PostBus routes subject to reservation

Additional offers (PostBus)

  • PostBus lost property service